The Data Controller / Data Processor (hereafter Titular) is:
Company name | Galli Strings s.r.l. |
Fiscal Code / Vat Code | 0862299 121 7 |
Placed in | via Cupa S. Croce, 25 - 80143 - Napoli (NA) Italy |
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
PEC | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Data Treatment and privacy policy
updated at 23/05/2018 pursuant to the regulation UE 2016/679 ("GDPR")
- D.Lgs. n. 196 of 30 june 2003
- Adjustment GDPR
- Treatment methods
- Treatment goals
- Advertising
- Content from external platforms
- Sharing through social network
- Rights of the party concerned
- Cookies
- Data cancellation
- Filed data collection
- Newsletter
- Contact form
With reference to what is concerned in the Legislative Decree n.196 of 30th June 2003, which gives dispositions about personal data treatment’s protection, we would like to inform you that:
- personal data you provided us, or somehow acquired during our activities, may become object of treatment using the Information System with or without the help of electronic means in respect of the law above mentioned by our company for institutional purposes and, in particular, for:
- giving execution to a service or to one or more operations contractually agreed
- he execution of the obligations foreseen by sets of rules and regulations
- the protection of our rights in any judicial seat
- the conferment of your data to our company is strictly functional to the execution of the contractual relationship
- with reference to your data treatment by our side, you have the faculty of exercise the rights of the Leg. Decree n. 196/03 quoted
- the owner of data tretment is Galli Strings s.r.l.. Data will be preserved in via Cupa S. Croce, 25 - 80143 - Napoli (NA) Italy
- the data will be conserved as long as it is prescribed by the law
- the treatment of given or somehow acquired data, as far as our activity is concerned, may be carried out by subjects to whom is acknowledged, by the law or sets of secondary or community regulations, the authority to access to your personal data.
Leg. Decree n. 196 30th June 2003, Law Ue 2016/679 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) rights of the party concerned:
- In relation to the personal data treatment the interested party has the right:
- to know, through the free access to the register mentioned in article 31, paragraph 1, letter “a”, the existence of data treatment which may concern him;
- to be informed upon what indicated by article 7, paragraph 4, letters “a”, “b” and “h”;
- to obtain, upon the owner or the responsible’s care, with no delay:
- the confirmation of personal data’s existence which may concern him, even if not registered yet; the communication in intelligible form of such data, their origin, as well as the logic and the aims on which the treatment is based on; the request may be renewed within not less than ninety days, except when justified reasons may arise;
- the cancellation, the anonymous transformation or the stop of the data illegally treated, included those which are not necessary to be conserved, as far as the aims for which data have been collected and subsequently treated;
- the updating, the correction or, whenever it may interest you, the integration of the data;
- The checking-out that the operations described at number 2) and 3) are acknowledged, also for their content, by those whose data have been communicated or spread, except for the case where such compliance may result impossible or may lead to a clearly unbalanced effort of means related to the rights of the protected party;
- to oppose, totally or partially, for legitimate reasons to the data treatment which concerns him, even if pertinent to the collection’s aim;
- to oppose, totally or partially, to the data treatment which concerns him and which is provided for commercial information reasons or for advertising material or also for direct sales or even for the accomplishment of market researches or interactive commercial communication and to be informed by the owner, not beyond the moment when data are communicated and spread, about the possibility to freely exercise such right.
- For each request as seen in the paragraph 1, letter c), number 1), a contribution for the expenses, not higher than the costs actually supported, may be required to the concerned party, where there are no data concerning him, according to the formailities and within the limits established by the set of rules of the article 33, paragraph 3
- The rights described at paragraph 1) referred to the personal data concerning dead people may be exercised by anyone having any interest upon them
- In the use of the rights seen at paragraph 1) the concerned party may delegate, in writing, physical persons or associations
- The set of regulations about the professional secret concerning journalists, as far as the source of a piece of news is concerned, will remain unvaried.
Treatment methods
The owner deals with the Users’ Personal Data adopting the appropriate security measures directed to prevent the non-authorized access, divulgation, modification or destruction of Personal Data.
The treatment is carried out through data processing and/or telematic systems, with organizational methods and with logics which are strictly linked to the goals explained. Apart from the Owner, in some cases, certain categories of concerned parties, involved in the website organization, may have access to the Data (administrative and commercial staff, marketing staff, lawyers, system administrators) or external subjects (like third parties’ technical service providers, forwarding agents, hosting providers, information technology companies, communication agencies) also named by the Owner, where necessary, Persons in Charge of the Treatment.
Treatment goals
The User’s Data are collected in order to allow the Owner to provide his own services, as well as the following aims: Statistics, Advertising, Hosting and back-end facilitiy, social network interaction and external networks, as well as contents supervision from external platforms.
The different Personal Data types used for each goal are indicated in the specifical sections of this document.
Particularly, the Internet Data are treated exclusively:
- for the operating management of the Internet navigation;
- for the processing of statistical data on accesses and consulting;
- for the management of Data security.
As far as the Personal Data voluntarily bestowed by the User, they are treated for the following aims, apart from those ones already indicated:
- for the elaboration of anonymous and associated usage statistics;
- for the guardianship or defence of rights in the judicial seat;
- for the fulfilment of obligations provided by laws and regulations in force, also in bookkeeping and fiscal matters;
- for the discharge of the specifical goals for which such Data are provided by the User (e.g. provision of a service, answer to speific questions forwarded through form of contact, assistance request, etc.);
- management of the User’s registration andor access to possible riserve areas available on the website;
- for mailing a newsletter to the User, subject to the latter one’s agreement;
- or the User’s participation to initiatives, in respect of rules which enforce order on such activities or any set of regulations published on the website.
In order to pursue the above described treatment aims, makes use of the following services, listed according to each purpose of treatment.
- Hosting and back-end facilities
This kind of service is supposed to host data and files wich allow to function; they consent their distribution and place a ready-to-use facility at disposal, in order to supply specifical functions of - Some of these services work through servers geographically situated in different places, rendering difficult the determination of the precise place where the Personal Data are stored.
- Interaction with social network and external platforms
This kind of services allows to carry out interactions with social networks, or with other external platforms, directly from the pages of
The interactions and the acquired informations from are in any case subjected to the User’s privacy settings for each social network.
- In the case of the installation of an interaction service with social networks, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use such service, the service itself may collect traffic data related to the pages in which it is installed.
- Button +1 and Google+ social widgets (Google Inc.)
The button +1 and Google+ social widgets are interaction services with the social network Google+, provided by Google Inc.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy - Button “Like” and Facebook social widgets (Facebook, Inc.)
The button “like” and Facebook social widgets are interaction services with the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook, Inc.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy - Button Tweet and Twitter social widgets (Twitter, Inc.)
The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are interaction services with the social network Twitter, provided by Twitter, Inc.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy
These kinds of services allow to use the User’s Data for commercial communication purposes in different advertisement forms, such as banners, videos, etc. This does not mean that all Personal Data are utilized for this purpose. Data and conditions o fuse are indicated as follows.
- Statistic
The services contained in the present section allow the Owner of the Treatment to supervise and analyze the traffic data. uses this service in order to anonimously effect aggregated analyses on its own Users and, like this, to improve the website performances.
All statistical services are used by through an integration which makes anonimous the User’s IP address. - Google Analytics with anonymized IP (Google Inc.)
Google Analytics is a free statistic service provided by Google Inc.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy - Opt Out - Google Adwords (Google Inc.)
Google Adwords is a conversion monitoring service of advertising campaigns offered by Google Inc.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy - Opt Out - Facebook Pixel (Facebook Inc.)
The Facebook conversion tracking pixel is a free tool that allows us to monitor the progress of a Facebook advertising campaign and verify its effectiveness.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy
Displaying content from external platforms
This type of service allows you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of and interact with them.
In the event that a service of this type is installed, it is possible that, even in the case that Users do not use the service, the same collect traffic data related to the pages in which is installed.
- Video YouTube widget (Google Inc.)
YouTube is a service of video contents visualization managed by Google Inc. which allows to integrate such contents within its own pages.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy - Widget Instagram (Instagram, Inc.)
Instagram is a service of image contents visualization managed by Instagram, Inc. which allows to integrate such contents within its own pages.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy - Google Maps widget (Google Inc.)
Google Maps is a service of maps display managed by Google Inc. which allows to integrate such contents within its own pages.
Personal Data collected: Cookies and Data of Usage.
Place of the treatment: USA - Privacy Policy
Sharing facilities through social network
On the sharing facility through social network is available. This kind of facility permits the Users to send invitations, news or any other kind of communications and/or the sharing of contents or undertaken actions by the User itself (e.g. comments sharing etc.) on the website in use, through the usage of external social networks, apart from (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.). In such cases, the User has to be conscious that the Personal Data possibly given may also be treated by third parties, like the owners of such social networks, according to their privacy policy and without any possibility for the Owner to exercise any kind of control or influence on these subsequent treatment methods.
The User is kindly requested to read and accept the privacy policies of such third parties available for consulting through the links present in each of these services’ dedicated section, in this document.
Rights of the party concerned
The User, as party concerned, may address the Owner, in any moment, without any formality, in order to assert his own rights, as provided by the article 7 of the Privacy Code which, for the User’s reading conveniences, is totally reported hereby:
- The party concerned has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data which may concern him, even if not registered yet, and their communication, in an intelligible way.
- The party concerned has the right to obtain the indication:
- Of the personal data’s origins;
- Of the treatment purposes and methods;
- Of the logic applied in case of treatment effected through the help of electronic instruments;
- Of the owner’s, the persons in charge’s and the designated delegate’s essential data, according to the article 5, paragraph 2 (Privacy Code);
- Of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom such personal data may be communicated or get acknowledged as designated delegate in the State’s territory, as persons in charge or responsible.
- The concerned party has the right to obtain:
- the updating, the correction or, whenever there’s an interest for it, the integration of the data;
- the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous form or the block of the data treated in violation of the law, included those for which it is not necessary the conservation with reference to the purposes they were collected for, or subsequently treated;
- the demonstration that the operations related to the letters a) and b) have been acknowledged, also as far as their contenti s concerned, by those to whom the data have been communicated or spread, except for the case where such accomplishment turns out to be impossibile or clearly implies a disproportionate investment of means, as regards the right protected.
- The concerned party has the right to oppose, totally or partially:
- for legittimate reasons to the personal data treatment which may concern him, even if pertinent to the data collection’s purpose;
- to the personal data treatment which may concern him for advertising material’s dispatch or direct sale’s purposes or for the accomplishment of market researches or of commercial communication.
In order to make this website work well, we sometimes install on your device some little files of data called "cookies". Also most of the big websites do the same thing.
What are the cookies?
A cookie is a little text file which the websites save on your computer or mobile device while you visit them. Thnaks to the cookies, the website remembers your actions and preferences (e.g. login, language, dimensions of the characters and other visualization settings) in order to avoid your reinsertion whenever you get back on the website or you surf from a webpage to another one.
How do we use the cookies?
In some pages, we use the cookies to remind:
- the visualization’s and navigation's preferences,
- the multimedial player settings
- allow the purchase of products and/or services
- whether you have already answered to a pop-up survey about the usefulness of the contents found, in order to avoid to repropose it
- whether you have authorized the use of the cookies on the website.
Moreover, some videos inserted in our webpages use a cookie to anonimously elaborate statistics on how you have arrived on that webpage and which videos you have watched.
It is not necessary to enable the cookies in order to make the website work, but doing it improves the web surfing. It is possible to delete or block the cookies, but in this case some of the website functions may not work correctly.
The information concerning the cookies are not utilized to identify the users and the navigation data always remain under our control. These cookies are only used for the purposes here described.
How to control cookies?
To manage the cookies used by this site, just click on the following button:
You can control and/or verify the cookies as you want – learn more on You can delete the cookies already existing on your computer and set almost all the browsers in order to stop them from any installation. If you chose this option, you will have to manually modify some preferences every time you visit the website and it is possible that some services or certain functions are not available.
Cookies used for the online tracing:
- Google Analytics – Third party’s Policy
- Pixel Facebook – Third party’s Policy
- Remarketing AdWords - Third party’s Policy
- Retargeting Facebook - Third party’s Policy
Possibility of data cancellation
They may be cancelled in any moment, You will only need to send an email to the owner at the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where you specifically request the cancellation of your data from our systems. You can also delete your data through your page profile (where present).
Filed data collection
The data collected will remain in our databases, then they will be inwardly filed and it will be possible to remove them in any moment. You will only need to send an email to the owner at the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where you specifically request the cancellation of your data from our systems. You can also delete your data through your page profile (where present).
On Facebook pixel is used to make retargeting; I’m going to explain it to you below.
On your browser, you can set the privacy preferences in order to avoid the cookies’ memorization, to be able to cancel them after every visit and every time you close the browser, or even to accept only the cookies from and not those ones from third parties; it also exists a service, Your Online Choices, which shows you which cookies install the various services and how to deactivate them, one by one.
Newsletter periodically sends newsletters to:
- forward useful materials about marketing or concerning strategies, advice, Study Cases or users’ feedbacks;
To sign up, you can use the application form you find in the home page
we do not give your email address to anyone else, for any reason (unless you give permission to do so); you can stop receiving the newsletter at any time, through the link at the bottom of each message.
Use of the contacts module and of the data inserted in comments and contacts
If you write from the Contacts page, the data are used to answer you, as well as if you write by email or you leave a comment in a post. Your data stay memorie in our email archive, in the website database (hosted on So You Start) if we deal with commentaries and in my backups; the data are not given to anyone else, unless you authorize to do so.