
Giuseppe and Rosario, the deep friendship, passion for music, research and integration of the two guitars sound leads to explore the deepest emotions generated by the sound language, writing and creating works tailored to their sound. Careful to focus on a repertoire as broad as possible and without bias. Awarded both as soloists and chamber music in numerous national and international competitions including: 1994 "Premio Andrea Castaldi" International Seminar on Interpretation of Music, Ischia;  1996 "International Competition Città di Ancona"; 1996 "Arrigo Tassinari", XI National Competition of Musical Performance "Citta di Cento"; 1997 "International Competition Live Music San Filippo, Torino;  1997 "VI National Contest of Villar Perosa, Torino; 2000 "International Guitar Competition Castelfidardo", Ancona; 2000 "National Competition of Musical Performance Riviera Etrusca" Val di Cornia Livorno; 2002 "International Guitar Competition Castelfidardo", Ancona;  2004 "Award Scugnizzo Cultural Department of city of Naples and Ass Agora Arts; 2006 "Pulcinella Award, Department of Culture of city of Naples and Ass Agora Arts.
 Giuseppe Aversano, figlio di musicista, (fisarmonicista jazz ,compositore, organista e pianista) inizia studiando pianoforte e armonia con il padre. Avviato allo studio della chitarra classica si perfeziona nelle più importanti accademie e istituzioni musicali internazionali; con i più grandi nomi del panorama internazionale. Lavora su trascrizioni inedite e composizioni originali per varie formazioni cameristiche. Suona in varie formazioni ed ensamble orchestrali, in tutto il territorio nazionale in trasmissioni radiofoniche televisive e teatrali. E' referente organizzatore e direttore di eventi e manifestazioni a carattere nazionale. Vince una borsa di studio per gli Stati Uniti alla Berklee. Attualmente è docente e direttore in varie accademie e scuole musicali, all'attività didattica di insegnante/compositore/trascrittore, affianca attività concertistica.
Giuseppe Aversano, born in Naples, the son of a musician (father jazz accordionist, organist and pianist) began his musical studies with his father by appling to the study of the organ and piano harmony. He comes up and is dedicated to the study of the first guitar under the guidance of their father and then attending studyng and perfecting the most important international music academies and institutions, with the biggest names on the international scene. Guitar combines the study of piano, harmony, composition and modern arrangement.He began an intense concert activity as soloist and in various formations, alongside trascripts of unpublished works and original compositions for various chamber ensembles from duo to sextet. He plays in various formations, from duo to quartet, classical ensembles orchestral trios and quartets, he played and collaborated in concerts and festivals throughout the national radio and television and theater. He is referring organizer/director , employee events and national events. He won a scholarship to Berkley in America. He also began a long study and research in the field of education and teaching.
Rosario Ascione, nato a Portici, Napoli, intraprende gli studi classici con il M° Claudio Manzo proseguendo, presso il Conservatorio di Napoli S. Pietro a Majella, diplomandosi brillantemente, sotto la guida del M° B. B. D'Amario. Contemporaneamente si laurea in Architettura con il massimo dei voti e lode. Ha frequentato numerosi corsi di perfezionamento e di interpretazione musicale naz. ed internazionali tra i quali: Gorizia Armonica Music Masterclasses con il M° R. Dyens (con il quale studia le sue opere), Arts Accademy Istituzione Sinfonica di Roma, Seminario Internazionale di Interpretazione C.A.M., Masterclasses di Chitarra Ass. Musicale “Euphonia” in Sulmona ecc. Nel 1997 insegna Chitarra presso il Conservatorio “San Pietro a Majella “di Napoli, in qualità di sostituto del M° B. B. D'Amario. Dal 1999 al 2002 si è perfezionato con il M° A. Desiderio. Ha suonato per numerosi festival italiani ed esteri. Attivo in trascrizioni ed arrangiamenti, collabora con compagnie teatrali, pittori e poeti. Opera intensa ricerca sulla continua relazione tra la musica e le altre arti, oltre a svolgere attività di insegnamento.
Rosario Ascione, born in Portici, Naples, began his classical studies with the Maestro Claudio Manzo continued at the Naples Conservatory S. Pietro a Majella, graduating with brilliantly under the guidance of Master B. B. D'Amario. At the same time he graduated in Architecture highest honores and vote. He has attended numerous courses and done interpretation of national and international music including: Gorizia Harmonica Music Master Classes with Master R. Dyens (with whom he studied the works), Arts Academy of Rome Symphony Institution, International Seminar on Interpretation CAM Masterclasses Ass Guitar Music "Euphonia" in Sulmona etc. In 1997 he teaches guitar at the Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella "in Naples, as a substitute for Maestro B. B. D'Amario. From 1999 to 2002 he studied with Maestro A. Desiderio. He has played for several Italian and international festivals. Active in transcriptions and arrangements, he worked theater companies, poets and painters.He works for intensive research on the continuous relationship between music and other arts, as well as educational activities.

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